The design concept for the restaurant draws its inspiration from the tranquil aesthetics of traditional Japanese eateries, intertwining atmospheric interplays of light and shadow, the inherent simplicity of classic Japanese style, and emotionally rich, peaceful scenes.

The subtle dance of light and shadow, reminiscent of the distinct style exhibited by the acclaimed photographer Janek Sedlar, crafts a serene and immersive atmosphere. This element is further accentuated by a meticulously designed lighting system, a method that provides a realistic illumination effect and infuses depth into the space.

The ethos of classic Japanese simplicity resonates in the minimalist decor and subtle shifts in color tones, resulting in a space that is visually soothing and radiates a subtle elegance.

Drawing influence from the work of Peter Sculthorpe, the design encapsulates the tranquility and the emotive undercurrents present in his art, culminating in a space that can transport its visitors into a serene, almost meditative state.

In summary, the restaurant represents a harmonious fusion of various elements, each contributing to a dining experience that is emotionally engaging, peaceful, and deeply anchored in the essence of classic Japanese simplicity.


微妙的光影交織,讓人聯想到著名攝影師Janek Sedlar的風格,營造出一種寧靜而又充滿氛圍的環境。這種元素透過精心設計的燈光得到了進一步的增強,這種技術提供了逼真的光照效果,為空間增添了深度。


設計受到Peter Sculthorpe作品的影響,捕捉了他在藝術中的寧靜和情感化的底色,結果創造出一個能將訪客帶入寧靜,幾乎達到冥想狀態的空間。


Tranquil Zen



Restaurant Neo-Noir Fusion