Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to design and build, is there an estimation?

We get this question the most, especially for new clients inquiring our design and build service. It is understandable because construction part made up 90% of the total cost and we all very curious how much budget we needed.

Please note in INHK interior design’s practice, we quote by detailed construction items on a list, and these construction items are varied depending very much on the actual design and size.

Therefore, a quotation cannot be given at the very beginning, at least, we need a layout plan consolidated before able to give out a more accurate estimation.



依照 INHK 的室內設計流程,我們會把所有需要的建築項目詳細報價,而如何去選擇這些項目,則需要根據實際的設計和尺寸需要才能確定。


What if I have a design style I love in particular?

Every projects by INHK Interior design is original and the concept behind is unique. Therefore, please feel free to tell us your inspiration, even it looks totally different than our past projects.

We are willing to accept new ideas and keen at studying your inspirations and only take what is the best for the project before turning it into reality in a professional way.

The final design product is a tailored work of process by both the clients and our professional design team. One shall expect a lot of collaborations and communications between us.


INHK 的每個室內設計項目都是專門創作,而背後的設計理念都是獨一無二的。所以即便您的想法與我們過去的設計風格截然不同,您也可以把您所有的想法告訴我們。


Do you charge for the first meeting?

This first phone inquiry is free of charge. However, we do not provide free layout plans or site visits for our very first meeting unless we are very interested in your project, and consider it will bring value to both the client and our company. The first draft of the layout can let us get closer to estimating the total construction cost.



How long does it take to complete my project?

The time required depends on the design, construction items, size and etc. In general for a 1500 sq. ft residential flat, it requires 100 ~ 120 working days after all design is completed and approved.

We will walk you through step by step during the whole design and build process and upon finishing the design, we will have a working schedule clearly listing out all the construction items in sequence and working days needed for each.

Clients are also responsible to reply in prompt for his/her final decision to avoid delaying.


工作需要的時間視設計、裝修工程、工地尺寸等因素而定。以 1500 平方尺的住宅單位為例,從客戶同意設計方案起,大概需要 100 到 120 個工作天來完成所有工序。


What exactly does the design fee include?

As we work together, we will have realistic 3D image for material and colour references. After that we will draw out all construction drawings plans such as 1) Layout plans 2) Electrical plans 3) Ceiling plans 4) Elevations and furniture drawings. There, we would clearly explain the dimensions, material used and design outlook for your confirmation. However we will have slight adjustment on site


在與客戶共同研究設計時,我們會為客戶準備擬真的 3D 圖像,以便更具像化地說明我們選用的物料及顏色。然後我們會負責描製所有建築相關的圖則,例如:1. 例計草圖,2. 電路圖,3. 天花板圖,4. 立面圖及傢具設計圖。與此同時,我們會清晰地向客戶說明它們的用意並獲得客戶的同意。然而,視乎現實的工程狀況,設計圖將有機會與實際有微小的偏差。

What is included in the construction contract and what is not?

This is also a question been asked very frequently. Materials such as marble, stone, tiles, lighting fixtures has a huge range in price and differs from brand to brand. These ones cannot be stated earlier in the main contract, therefore could not and would not be included.

We will explain more thoroughly before we engage and basically what is not written down will not be included. Having said that, we would include almost 90% of the construction works needed in our contract according to our experience in residential projects.




Will there be extra costs, variation order (VO) after our engagement ?

Depending on the situation, there usually be variation order. The most common case would be design change and hidden problems on site that needed to fix.

1) Design change: Usually we would sign the design and build contract before begin the 3D images. Most of the time we will design according to the contract but will not 100% limit our creativity to the items in the contract. If it seems fit, we would propose to the client new design elements and VO occurs

2) After demolition, we might find out that a design does not fit or needed an alternation or a hidden problem is discovered on site that needed to fix. Most common problem: Spalling Works - to fix existing problems due to wearing off of a building architecturally.

Therefore, a VO is actually very common and usually would be around 10~25% variation to the original contract.



1)設計變動:通常我們會在 3D 圖工序前簽訂設計及建築合約重。大部分時間我們都會根據合約內容進行設計,不過我們不會被合約內容100%局限我們的想像力。如果我們認為設計是合適的話,亦會推薦給客戶,如果得到客戶的認可,便有機會產生工程變更定單。


故此,工程變更定單事實上是很常見的,而且通常都會與原合約有大約 10 ~ 25% 的差額。

What is a defect list and what is a maintenance period?

When the newly renovated home is almost completed, we will invite the client to check on construction site if any touch-up is needed before cleaning, then we will gather a list of works called the defect list.

After touch-ups according to the defect list and approved by client. We will start cleaning and enter the maintenance period (usually 1 year), during this period the client is responsible to gather all adjustments works required for INHK to arrange the right person to fix at once.



當執修項目表的項目完成,並得到客戶的認可之後,我們便會開始進行清潔並進入保養期(通常為期 1 年)。在此期間客戶可以向我們反映需要維修的項目,我們便會安排適合的人選來進行維修。