Celestial Heights.半山壹號|1500 sq.ft
半山壹號項目 以現代感、異國風、和穿透感為主要設計概念
玄關位以白色條子和圓鏡打開序幕 轉角延伸至客廳位置
拼接木特色牆和相互呼應的拼木地板 是客廳的點精之處
主人房同樣以鏡面增添空間感 搭配特選霧感綠牆身和雲石 是客廳物料拼接的續集
相較之下 孩子房間設計較為簡約 設計師選用了三種木色作漸層
為了增強空間的使用性 以拉牆和客房作連接 增加了孩子的活勳空間
椅子和櫃內部份也用了一點玻璃材質 讓整體氣紛和客廳有共同的語彙
全部房間都選用了木吊扇 也是此項目的特色之一
相較之下 客廁色調光亮 以藍色石紋磚為亮點
風格混搭 讓空間更有個性
Presenting a distinctive mix and match of contemporary and ethnic story, this modern luxuries dwelling located in Ho Man Tin focus on the use of modern texture, exotic element and transparency.
Contemporary Ethnic Trend
The entrance was decorated by white strips and circle mirror as the prologue. The decoration was turned and extended to the living room. The wall and floor in splice wood echoing each other is the spirit of the living room. Sofa in dark blue, dining table and chairs in glass, and the mirror wall enhanced the spacious and artistic sense. The wood fan and crystal pendant lamp are also representing the distinctive style and bedding for the other space in the living room.
Simplified Ethnic Trend
Master bedroom keeps the design of mirror to enhance the spacious perception. Pairing with the foggy green wall and marble, it became the sequel of splice style from the living room. Platform bed and full height closet hugely increased the storage room. By comparison, the kid’s room was designed in simpler way. Our designer selected 3 woods for gradient. In order to make use of the space, the kid’s room was connected to the living room by the extended wall. It also extended the space to move about for the kids. For the chairs and inside the closet had also use a small amount of glass materials. It makes the atmosphere goes into the collaboration with the living room. The wooden fan for the room is also one of the features on this project.
Contemporary Artistic Trend
Two bathrooms are the most artistic area for the unit. Master lavatory applied stone pattern and dark color tone. The bathtub was installed in the guest bathroom. In contrast, the guest bathroom is in brighter color and lighten up with blue stone bricks. Texture, color and mirror reflecting each others is adding fun for the overall design.
Mix & Match makes more personality for the room.

Living Room 客廳

Dining Room 飯廳

Master Bedroom 主人房

Master Lavatory 主人廁

Kid Room 孩童房

Kid Room 孩童房

Kid Room 孩童房

Kid Lavatory 孩童廁