Cavendish Heights .嘉雲臺
【Cavendish Heights.嘉雲臺】
每個宅邸設計項目,都是在呈現屋主對生活的熱忱和期待。是次在 #嘉雲臺 的單位擁有大面積採光,整體視覺明亮而開揚,設計注重空間使用的彈性,與其用大量系統櫃把生活空間填滿,還不如保留位置作更多功能的使用。視覺美學上,設計師以木質調和淡奶油色系的拼搭,更以紋路碎散的大花白雲石作點綴,份量恰到好處,輕盈地展現了當代設計的奢華魅力和高雅氣息,比極致奢侈風更經得起時代的考驗,風格流行的變遷。
Decorative moldings has been an important design elements in classical design , by avoiding excessive decorative components, the design concept would be a perfect combination between contemporary and classical design . The transitional design in light creamy and wooden texture in this project, as how we describe it, has greatly enhanced the grand, elegance in a timeless manner. Functional flexibilities also own a priority in this modern dwelling, rather than cabinet, free spaces serve more options in lives.
桌子 Table:BoConcept - Alicante BoConcept
雲石 Marble:Arabescato Corchia
抽手 Handles:Buster & Punch Buster + Punch