Distinguishing Microcement and Artistic Coating: Differences in Material, Usage, and Decorative Effect 微水泥與藝術塗料:材質、應用及裝飾效果的差異

Wabi-Sabi interior design dining and living room. Design by INHK interior design

Microcement and artistic coating have significant differences in terms of material and usage.

Wabi-Sabi interior design dining and living room with sofa. Design by INHK interior design

Wabi-Sabi interior design dining and living room with sofa. Design by INHK interior design


Microcement is a decorative coating composed of cement, water-based resin, additives, and mineral pigments. Its design concept focuses on the use of raw cement materials, emphasizing authenticity and nature.

Wabi-Sabi interior design dining and living room. Design by INHK interior design

Wabi-Sabi interior design dining and living room. Design by INHK interior design

In contrast, artistic coating is a material that imitates the effect of cement, made from coatings or clear water concrete protectants. It's more of an imitation of the clear water concrete effect, rather than its actual use.

Dining table from top view. Design by INHK Interior Design

Dining table from top view. Design by INHK Interior Design

One of the major advantages of microcement is its wide application. Whether it's on walls, ceilings, floors, or furniture surfaces, microcement adapts perfectly.

Microcement interior design dining room. Design by INHK interior design

Microcement interior design dining room. Design by INHK interior design

It's seamless and can be infinitely extended, creating a continuous, seamless aesthetic effect.

Master study room by INHK Interior Design

Master study room by INHK Interior Design

Additionally, microcement exhibits strong adaptability to outdoor environments, hence its application is not limited.

Microcement interior design outdoor space and architecture. Design by INHK interior design

Microcement interior design outdoor space and architecture. Design by INHK interior design

Artistic Coating

On the other hand, artistic coating is mainly used for wall decoration, but its application on the floor is restricted due to its poor resistance to wear and pressure.

Artistic coating and artwork. Design by INHK interior design

Artistic coating and artwork. Design by INHK interior design

In terms of decorative effect, the differences between microcement and artistic coating are also quite obvious. Microcement presents the authentic concrete effect. It places emphasis on the natural, unprocessed beauty of concrete.

Entrance designed by INHK Interior Design

Entrance designed by INHK Interior Design

Meanwhile, artistic coating is a fabricated material made to achieve the cement coating effect, with the goal of mimicking the decorative effect of clear water concrete.

Master bed-room. Design by INHK interior design

Master bed-room. Design by INHK interior design

Therefore, when choosing between microcement and artistic coating, one can make a decision based on preferences and effect you want to acheive.

Wabi-Sabi interior design of reading-room. Design by INHK interior design

Wabi-Sabi interior design of reading-room. Design by INHK interior design




微水泥是一種裝飾性塗料,它由水泥、水性樹脂、添加劑和礦物顏料構成。其設計理念注重對原始水泥材料的使用,強調真實和自然。相反,藝術塗料則是一種仿水泥效果的材料,由塗料或清水混凝土保護劑製作。這更像是對清水混凝土效果的一種模仿,而非對其本身的使用。 微水泥擁有的一大優勢是其應用廣泛。無論是牆面、頂面、地面還是傢具表面,微水泥都能完美適應。它無接縫且能無限延展,形成一種連續、無縫的美學效果。此外,微水泥對於室外環境的適應性也非常強,因此其應用場景並無局限。


而藝術塗料主要用於牆面的裝飾,但它在地面上的應用卻因其耐磨性、抗壓性等性能較差而受到限制。 在裝飾效果上,微水泥和藝術塗料的差異也非常明顯。微水泥一次性澆築成型,沒有必要進行二次裝飾,呈現的是原汁原味的混凝土效果。它強調的是混凝土的天然、未加工的美感。而藝術塗料則是為了達到水泥塗裝效果而做的仿制材料,其目的是為了模擬清水混凝土的裝飾效果。因此,在選擇使用微水泥還是藝術塗料時,可以根據個人的需求和喜好來做出決定

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